Terms and conditions

Academic Venue Solutions Limited is a company registered in England (Registration No. 1609919) whose registered office is Potton House, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3BZ. 

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website has been supplied and checked by the individual venues. Academic Venue Solutions accepts no liability for errors or omissions. If we discover that a venue has misrepresented the establishment, the information is either amended or the venue is removed from our site. The client may only use this service to make legitimate enquiries and must not use it to make any speculative, false or fraudulent enquiries or any enquiry in anticipation of demand. The client also undertakes to provide correct and accurate telephone contact details to Academic Venue Solutions and accepts that we may use these details to contact the client should this prove necessary.

  • Problems with refunds must be taken up directly with the venue. Academic Venue Solutions accepts no responsibility for charges made by the venue, legitimate or otherwise.
  • All offers advertised by Academic Venue Solutions are subject to availability.
  • Telephone calls and any email correspondence with Academic Venue Solutions may be monitored or recorded. By undertaking such methods of contact, the client accepts this.
  • Complaints concerning a venue should be made first to them. If the venue fails to rectify the problems to the client's satisfaction, Academic Venue Solutions should be contacted immediately; appropriate action will then be taken.
  • Academic Venue Solutions follows a strict privacy policy and therefore will not distribute information provided by the client to any third party, unless instructed to do so e.g. by passing an enquiry onto a venue.
  • Academic Venue Solutions accepts no responsibility for any wear-and-tear or renovation at venues, over which Academic Venue Solutions has no control, or about which we have not been informed.
  • Academic Venue Solutions reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions. It is the responsibility of the client to check back regularly to ensure awareness of the latest information available.
  • To contact Academic Venue Solutions by post, write to: Academic Venue Solutions, Potton House, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3BZ . By telephone please dial 0114 245 3423 and to contact us by email use info@academicvenuesolutions.co.uk.
  • All numerical divisions used in these terms and conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
  • Academic Venue Solutions terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer and are subject to English law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

Links to other sites: The site includes links to other websites such as the venues. If you use these links you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for any of the content, products, services or other materials on or available from these sites.